You can install relenv like any other python package using pip. Using a virtual environment is recommended.
pip install relenv
Usage Overview¶
After installing relenv, you will have access to its CLI. You can see all supported commands by running the following…
relenv --help
The most common sub command of Relenv is the Create command. Create is used to create new relenv environments. When using relenv for the first time you will need to Build or Fetch pre-built Python build.
The fetch command can be used to download a pre-built Relenv Python.
relenv fetch
Now that you have a base Relenv Python build, you can use the Create command to make new Relenv environments. See the full fetch documentation for more details.
The build command is what relenv uses to build a Relenv Python environment.
relenv build
See the full build documentation for more details.
Use create to make a new relenv environment.
relenv create myenv
The new ‘myenv’ environment is fully self contained. You can pip install any python packages you would like into the new ‘myenv’ environment. Everything will be installed into myenv’s site-packages directory. Any scripts created by pip will use myenv’s Python interpreter. See the full create documentation for more details.
myenv/bin/pip3 install mycoolpackage